This past Thursday and Friday, our faculty participated in two full days of professional
development guided by the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education. With sincere gratitude to Dr. Merrill Roberts, who led our instruction, I am confident (on behalf of my staff) in stating that our time was well spent focusing on in-class practices that best serve your children. The training focused heavily on the benefits of teaching mimetically. Mimetic instruction guides students through the natural process of imitating an idea. We are mimetic creatures who learn by imitation. As an example, a good baseball coach teaches batting stance by modeling one to the player. Likewise, instead of talking about art, students should be given the opportunity to contemplate beautiful works and produce their own imitations. The same occurs within literature, science, and all disciplines. Additionally, the training emphasized preserving wonder, encouraging active inquiry, and fostering students' ability to discover truths versus just being fed facts. Dr. Roberts presently serves as science chair and middle school teacher at St. Jerome’s Academy in Maryland and also travels around the country assisting schools in adopting the Catholic liberal education philosophy. OLSOS emulates St. Jerome’s classical model due to its proven success over the last eleven years. LIVING THE LITURGICAL YEAR “Living the liturgical year” simply means celebrating those special days and feasts on our Church calendar. The month of March is full of liturgical feasts with two of the most well known being St. Patrick and St. Joseph’s Day. However, March 25th presents to us the wonderful Solemnity of the Annunciation in which the Archangel Gabriel announces the incarnation of Our Lord. This is often depicted in famous pieces of art. Hence, our giveaway this month for reading the newsletter is a 1000 piece puzzle of this representation. Please email the latin word, “ANNUNTIATIO” to enter our raffle. If unsure how to pronounce, ask your child this coming week. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ● As of March 12th, Washington State’s mask mandate will expire. Students and staff will no longer be required to wear masks in the school building ● Every Wednesday during Lent, a Rice & Bean Bowl will be available for $2 to help support our Sister Parish in Uganda. This is a great opportunity to have your students practice fasting with a simple meal and almsgiving (see attached flyer) ● Enrollment for current students is still open and New Family Enrollment starts Monday ○ If you will not be returning to Star, please email [email protected]. ○ If you did not receive an email with instructions, please email Kara at [email protected] ● SCOPE Trivia Date Night tickets are ON SALE NOW! Tickets are $30 per couple or $20/single ticket. ○ OLSOS staff will provide car-side service at drop off, or pickup, to families interested in purchasing tickets. Email your order to [email protected] to ensure your tickets are ready. Childcare will be available for this event. Please contact the parish office to sign up. Additionally, the class with the highest participation will be rewarded with a trip to Quarters Arcade! ● 6th and 7th grade NET Retreat will be taking place April 7th, on the OLSOS Campus (Gym and Center Rooms) ● Parish Lenten Mission on March 21 -23 with Fr. Wolfgang Seitz, ORC with a 7 PM conference each night (confessions at 5 PM and 8 PM each evening). ● If you are in need of Childcare for the May 6th SCOPE Auction sign up using the link provided ● Please be sure to donate to the Wall of Wine for the SCOPE Auction and turn in a Procurement Items (see attached flyer) UPCOMING DATES ● Mon., March 14th- New Family Registration ● Thurs., March 17th- St. Patrick’s Day Fundraiser - Wear Green to support SCOPE - $1 (see attached flyer) ● Fri., March 18th- Stations of the Cross @ 5:30 followed by KC Fish Fry ● Sat., March 19th- Feast of St. Joseph and Trivia Date Night @ 6:30-9:00 in Camerman (see attached flyer) ● Mon., March 21- Report cards sent home ● Mon., March 21-23- Parish Lenten Mission ● Fri., March 25- Solemnity of the Annunciation ● Monday, March 28th- NO SCHOOL- a mental and spiritual health day for teachers and staff ● Fri., April 1st -First Friday Family Formation Night featuring Sr. Jane Dominic’s SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. Comments are closed.
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2025