Merry Christmas!!! Many families have asked me just how long is Christmas or Christmastide?
The answer can be complicated so I thought that I would share my favorite Liturgical Christmas Cheat Sheet with dates and information to refresh one's memory. ~December 25 to January 1 (Octave of Christmas) the 8 days of Christmas that we feast and celebrate. ~January 1 -Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) Also the Feast of the Circumcision (Jesus’ circumcision and naming 8 days after His birth –Genesis 17:10-12). ~December 25 through January 5 –“Twelve Days of Christmas” that lead up to Epiphany (because the date of Epiphany moves from year to year there are not always exactly 12 days). ~Twelfth Night –night before Epiphany. ~January 6 -Epiphany (or closest Sunday - Jan. 2, 2022) –Visit of the Magi to the Child Jesus ~Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Sunday following the Epiphany - Jan. 9, 2022) ~The day after the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we return to ordinary time – green ~February 2 -Presentation of the Lord, also referred to as Candlemas, is about Mary’s presentation in the temple for Purification. CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION Our school community would like to welcome Mr. David Gill to our staff as our new middle school math instructor. Mr. Gill will also be assisting students in our resource room by providing individual math support and intervention. In addition, we would like to announce that in our continued move toward a fully classical education, we are delighted to have Sister Amata Christi and Sister Maria Caeli now full-time in our middle school. We are blessed to see these positive changes that ultimately strengthens our new mission. WITNESSES OF THE WEEK Since Art and Faith are heavily integrated within the new curriculum, we are pleased to share our “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster winners as being our Witnesses of the Week. Through their time and effort, they demonstrated “patience” (virtue of the month) in producing well thought out pieces of artwork with precision in drawing. Congratulations! Group A- Elizabeth C (1st) Group B- Gabriel K (3rd) Group C- Jacobe L (7th) IMPORTANT REMINDERS ● School's procedure for school delay or closing due to inclement weather is as follows: families will be notified by parent alert and email by 6am. Information can also be found on the school’s facebook page. If you do not hear from us, then school will be in session. ● Bus Service is starting January 3rd with our new bus driver, Brian McGinnis. Please contact the school office this week so we can add your child to our bus roster or email [email protected]. (schedule listed below) ● First Friday Faith Formation is January 7th @ 6-8 PM which includes a potluck for all to enjoy. Our guest speaker will be Sarah Bartel as she will speak on communication in marriage & family. Childcare is provided and these evenings count as volunteer hours. ● Fulcrum grant and aid application deadline is January 7th. If you would like to be considered for parish financial assistance, this application must be submitted first. ● Any middle schooler wanting to support our Pro-Life vision, free LIFE Runner t-shirts are available in the office and can be worn Wednesday, Jan. 5th. UPCOMING DATES Jan. 1- Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) Jan. 3- School Resumes Jan. 3- Intramural BB Practice, Team JPII, 3:45-5:30 PM Jan. 4- Intramural BB Practice, Team Patrick, 3:45-5:30 PM Jan. 5- Intramural BB Game, JPII vs. Patrick, 5/6 squads @ 3:45PM, 7/8 squads @ 4:30PM Jan. 5- Middle School - LIFE Runners t-shirts to be worn Jan. 6- Intramural BB Practice, Team Dominic, 3:45-5:30 PM Jan. 6- Vianney Cenacle @7-8 PM (all ages welcome to pray for vocations) Jan. 7- Fulcrum Application is due Jan. 10- First Friday Faith Formation Night in Camermon Hall @ 6-8 PM BUS SCHEDULE BEFORE SCHOOL: Albertson’s (off Sedgwick) Greaves Way pullout 7:05 AM 7:40 AM (on request) Poulsbo- Walmart Auto Center 7:50-7:55 AM Arrive school 8:15 AM AFTER SCHOOL: Leave school 3:25 PM Albertson’s (off Sedgwick) 3:50 PM Greaves Way pullout 4:25 PM (on request) Poulsbo- Walmart Auto Center 4:35- 4:40 PM *Please note the new Poulsbo pick up and drop off location. PLEASE JOIN US FOR OLSOS ADVENT MISSION THIS MONDAY! A parish mission is a time of grace for individuals and the whole community. In addition to preaching, its core elements are reconciliation, fellowship, prayer, Scripture, and healing of relationships (who doesn’t need this?) St. Pope John Paul II called parish missions “necessary and urgent today,” and referenced that, “There is nothing which will replace the parish mission in the periodic and vigorous renewal of Christian life.” Renewal of Christian life is an apparent need in our culture even amongst us Catholics, and a large factor behind our classical transition in education. JOIN US MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 6:30-8:00 PM. REMINDER, THAT THE TIME SPENT PARTICIPATING COUNTS AS VOLUNTEER HOURS.
THIS WAS A WEEK FULL OF THANKSGIVING for the many hours that volunteers gave of themselves for the good of our students. Thanks to Ruth Rivaldi and all her many parent/grandparent volunteers who shopped, labeled, wrapped and organized our ADVENT STORE. It is a joy to see children eager and excited to purchase gifts for family members rather than focus on their own desires. Also, this week, students participated in our yearly FAITH RALLY. This event was a huge success! Students participated in the Catholic practice of prayers and songs within Exposition, as well as silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Our 8th grade class presented testimonials, prayed alongside younger students, and assisted with crafts centered around the day. The event concluded with a lively and talented concert praising Our Lord. Sister Maria Caeli and her parish/parent volunteers put in long hours to provide this memorable experience for our students and families. Thank you ALL! IMPORTANT REMINDERS
UPCOMING DAY Dec. 13- Report Cards sent home Dec.13-15 Parish Advent Mission Dec. 17- Christmas Break Starts Jan. 3- School Resumes CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION Sister Mariana’s Kindergarten classroom integrated their nature study of birds into their acquisition of language arts. Besides learning to recite the poem, The Blackbirds, they came to identify and familiarize themselves with nouns, verbs and adjectives. Who said Kindergarteners can’t learn parts of speech? WITNESS OF THE WEEK Two Second Graders were acknowledged for Patience this past week. Nicholas English continued to be attentive during Mass when distractions were present. Vivian Le, likewise, demonstrated Patience by utilizing class time wisely while waiting for assistance and materials to be distributed. Congratulations to all our Second Graders who made their First Reconciliation on Saturday. I also want to congratulate in advance the ones who will be making this sacrament within the next couple of Saturdays. May you always value and practice this gift from God to experience His love and mercy.
Advent is here! A former student of OLSOS wrote an Advent poem a few years back, which I still find special. Since our classical model integrates poetry within all subjects, I find it fitting to share this work to inspire our present families and students to dive into the practice of reading and writing poetry. In addition, I have a challenge for any of our students to memorize and recite a portion of this poem to their teacher or myself as this would bring us such joy. Come again in a spiritual way Remind us of that holy day When you took on flesh and came into the world When you were born of Mary, a beautiful girl. You came not in splendor, glory, or might But was born a baby on a dark, silent night But Mary and Joseph knew who you were Likewise, the kings who brought you gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You slept among the animals you created And lay on the hay as you patiently waited For the moment when you would save the earth Which was foretold long before your birth. Help us to see what the shepherds saw As they bent their knees and stared in awe At a little child who cried, “I thirst!” For the salvation of souls, not to be nursed. Come again on Christmas day Prepare our hearts as we prepare the way For you, whom the Father sent. God, I pray you bless our Advent -Anonymous IMPORTANT REMINDERS
UPCOMING DAY Dec. 6- Feast of St. Nicholas (student shoes to be filled) Dec. 6- Intramurals BB Practice 7/8 grade @ 3:45-5:30 Dec. 7- Intramurals BB Practice 5/6 grade @ 3:45-5:30 Dec. 8- Feast of the Immaculate Conception- School Mass @ 9AM Dec. 10- Faith Rally - pick up procedure TBD Dec. 13- Report Cards sent home Dec.13-15 Parish Advent Mission with Sr. Miriam James @ 6:30PM - 8:00PM Dec.17- Christmas Break Starts CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION In PE classes K-8, Mrs. Kilgallen leads her students to understand the great need for physical education within a classical approach. She incorporates clever games and strength building to enhance the full formation of the student. She aims to instruct her students that glorifying God is also done through taking care of their bodies. A wonderful explanation of our theory on physical education is presented below. WITNESS OF THE WEEK In 7th Grade, Jonah Pantig was noted as the witness of the week. As his class was moving along swiftly, he stopped and waited (demonstrating the virtue of patience) to greet and converse with a teacher who was presently busy. His manners and cordial nature were exemplary. |
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2025