Ash Wednesday and Lent are just a few days away!!! Sometimes, my gut reaction to this reality is not met with enthusiasm, but rather, “Is it really that time again?” For some, this may be normal and compounded with the fear of failure to partake whole heartedly or to be successful with one’s Lenten commitments. Like myself, you may even experience slight stress toward Lenten practices, or as some say, Lenten resolutions. I believe it’s reasonable to experience this but shouldn’t stop us individually or as a family from embarking on the 40 day journey in the desert as our Lord did. As we all know, our own spiritual growth and that of our children should always be at the forefront of our desires. Hence, it is through sacrifice, repentance and reflection that we open ourselves up to what God can do for us through this season.
One of my favorite Catholic mom bloggers (Catholic Icing) pleads her case for us Catholics to hold off Easter celebrations until Lent is totally over. Although we wait a whole 40 days to celebrate Easter, the Easter season itself lasts 50 days with us being encouraged to celebrate with parties, events, crafts, and more. This site may be a helpful resource for families to reference for activities during Lent and Easter. CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION Mrs. Kilmer’s fourth grade, as an extension of their integrated literature and history studies, created log cabins using only items found in nature. Students paired up to replicate models of such cabins that were typical in Maine during the mi-late 1700’s. WITNESSES OF THE WEEK Cameron Q demonstrated the virtue of cheerfulness as I personally witnessed her deep pleasure in sharing her school and years of experiences with prospective families during Thursday’s Open House. In addition, we thank the other student council officers and students who likewise revealed their admiration for their teachers, curriculum and above all, their faith. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ● MASSES FOR ASH WEDNESDAY - 9AM, 12PM, 7PM ● FIRST FRIDAY FAITH FORMATION NIGHT featuring Fr. Nagel presenting on history and why study it? Remember, these evenings are great opportunities for spiritual and intellectual growth. They also count for volunteer hours - child supervision provided. ● TRIVIA DATE NIGHT tickets are ON SALE NOW! Tickets are $30 per couple or $20/single ticket. Next week, OLSOS staff will provide car-side service at drop off or pickup to families interested in tickets. Email me and we will have your tickets ready. Childcare will be available for this event. Please contact the parish office to sign up. ● Join us at the church each Friday of Lent for Stations of the Cross at 5:30pm followed by the popular Knights of Columbus Fish Fry. ● Every Wednesday during Lent Father Lappe will be celebrating Mass at 6pm. This is a great opportunity to come together as a family and spend time with the Lord. UPCOMING DATES ● Mon., Feb. 28th- Enrollment for current students begins (emails will be sent Monday with instructions on how to access enrollment contracts) ● Mon., Feb. 28th- Clubs begin (Catholic Crafts will begin Mon. March 7th) ● Wed., March 2nd- Ash Wednesday: School Mass @ 9am- Full uniform required for students ● Fri., March 4th- First Friday Faith Formation Night w/ Fr. Nagel ● Thurs. March 10th- End of the 2nd Trimester (parents of students in 5th - 8th grades can check student(s) current grades in RenWeb) ● Thurs. March 10th and Fri. March 11th- NO SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT Basketball final: ● 5/6 squad: Dominic def Patrick 12-9 ● 7/8 squad: Dominic def Patrick 27-23 Thanks to Mr. Quebral, Mr. Comer, Mr. Ogilvie, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Christian, Ms. Ruby, Mr. Powell, and Mrs. Judson for their time and dedication to making this intramural season a success. SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. .In the hopes of stirring up excitement and anticipation for the SCOPE Auction, join us March 19th for a fun evening of food, prizes, and TRIVIA. This event is being hosted by our School Commission. Please encourage friends and family to attend (see attached flyer).
I would like to invite all school families to pray for our Star students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday. These individuals along with other parish confirmands, have been preparing for this amazing day since September. Our own Dr. Clemen has assisted in this preparation as an instructor and long time supporter of our confirmation program. May the Holy Spirit enter the open hearts of the following students: AJ Cunningham, Joey Girard, Geoffrey James, Ben Keller, Jacobe Lacquiao-Lau, Jonah Pantig, James Pizanti, Sophia Powell, Cameron Quebral, Gwyn Rivaldi, Molly Shurtz, Williams Wolfgruber. Congratulations to the Pugh family (Emilia-5th/Brenna-2nd) for being the winner of our February basket of items centered around the Holy Spirit. Thanks for reading the newsletter! CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION First Graders not only discovered and learned about the solar system but also focused on the Ancient Greek solar system, comparing both Latin and Greek names of the planets. Just next door, Second Graders completed a novel immersed in the Roman Years which lead to a procession through the halls with crucifixes, rosaries, instruments and artwork in hand. This was customary of a true Christian "Triumph" after victory. WITNESS OF THE WEEK In 5th grade Patrick L. was nominated for demonstrating "cheerfulness" while in literature class. As the class carried on a Socratic style discussion regarding their present novel study, Patrick's enthusiasm to share his perceptions and knowledge of details was impressive. This led others to be just as engaged. Thank you, Patrick. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS
5/6 squad; Patrick def JPH 11-10 3/8 squad; Dominic def JPH 13/10 Schedule Next Week; NO JPH PRACTICE (season complete) Tuesday - Practice St. Patrick Wednesday - Final 5/6 squad: Patrick vs. Dominic 3:45pm 7/8 squad: Dominic vs. Patrick 4:30pm SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students' natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. As a tradition, the Church designates a theme each month for us to reflect more deeply on
and discover its significance. The month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family. Why is this worth mentioning? As we seek to attain holiness within our own state of life (vocation to family), we have an opportunity to relate to the simplicity that Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived out through laboring, resting, and worshipping together. St. Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei, often mentioned the sanctifying value of ordinary life as he stated: “Of Jesus’ thirty-three years, thirty were spent in silence, obscurity, submission and work.” Calling on the intercession of the Holy Family when in prayer, can grant us strength in tackling daily trials and ultimately, forge a beautiful relationship. After reading this newsletter, please send me the response “Sancta Familia” to enter your name for a drawing to win a basket of items centered around the Holy Family. To encourage our Latin program at home, families could frequently reference the Holy Family in this manner. CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION Within our PreK-4 program, Kim Bennett (Ms. Kim) incorporated the use of scales as students discovered the concept of more and less through weighing various items. Ms. Kim provides math skills found within our newly acquired Singapore Math curriculum that is proving to be a success in PreK-4 through Grade 4. WITNESSES OF THE WEEK Pitias T was nominated by our cafeteria staff for demonstrating cheerfulness (February’s virtue in practice) while communicating with peers and adults. This cheerfulness along with self-control was noted as it led others to copy his wonderful example. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS
o Wednesday Feb. 16- Pizza
SPORTS RESULTS 5/6 squad - Dominic def. Patrick 12-10 (OT) 7/8 squad - Patrick def. Dominic 19-10 Next week’s schedule: Monday - Practice JPII Tuesday - Practice Patrick Wednesday - Semifinal: (5/6 squad) JPII vs. Patrick 3:45PM (7/8 squad) JPII vs. Dominic 4:30PM Thursday - Practice Dominic SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. We are grateful to Kirk and Casey Martin for their presentations, Celebrate Calm, this past Friday. Star
students were given a wonderful opportunity to hear Casey’s message on how their responses and behaviors are interpreted and how best to relate to parents and teachers. Later, staff was provided with professional development themselves on dealing with challenging behaviors and best practices to optimize given situations. Kirk’s ability to present the difficult reality of raising children along with his humor, makes his message quite pleasurable and rewarding. I would strongly encourage families to purchase his talks at the special rate being offered. Once again, his talks provide practical steps for many typical challenges experienced by parents who sincerely seek an alternative to frustration and yelling. Please see the link below for the discount and the QR code to purchase: CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION Our Catholic Schools Week celebration was impacted by our new vision as we added some additional events to our weeklong celebration and will continue to do so in the future. In Celebrating our Nation (last Tuesday), eighth graders presented beloved American saints while touring all the classrooms - demonstrating their ability to research, write well written speeches and then execute them multiple times. WITNESSES OF THE WEEK Since this month’s new virtue is “Cheerfulness”, our staff would like to nominate our Dominican Sisters along with Father Lappe and Father Cotter. They portrayed genuine joy within their religious vocations during our Q & A session. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS
Tues., Feb. 8th- Free Dress for students who helped at our Parish Appreciation Breakfast Tues., Feb. 8th- Thomas Aquinas College presentation @ 6:30 in Camerman Hall Wed., Feb. 9th & Thurs., Feb.10th- Conferences: NOON DISMISSAL Fri., Feb.11th- NO SCHOOL (Teacher In-Service) Sun., Feb. 13th- Knights of Columbus Pro Life Poster Contest judging at Masses Mon., Feb. 21st President’s Day- NO SCHOOL Mon., Feb. 21- Re-enrollment begins for current students Thurs., Feb 24th- Open House for new families from 6pm-8pm (please invite families who may be interested in attending OLSOS) SPORTS RESULTS 5/6 squad - JPII def. Dominic 8-5 7/8 squad - Dominic def. JPII 23-9 Next week’s schedule: Monday (2/7) - Practice JPII Tuesday (2/8) - Practice Patrick Wednesday (2/9) - Game, Dominic vs. Patrick, 5/6 squad @ 3:45PM, 7/8 squad @ 4:30PM Thursday (2/10) - Practice, Dominic - Practice time to be determined SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. |
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2025