I would like to thank all the participants of “The Jungle Book'' for their long hours of commitment. I wish that our entire student body could have witnessed the amazing singing, dancing and acting by this talented group of about 30 students. However, over 120 chairs were filled with peers, families and friends last Saturday. The theatrical production company stressed how well engaged, behaved and positive our students were in comparison to other schools. I think this is worth noting and a good reminder as to why we send our children to a Catholic school where virtue and wisdom are a priority.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT With just two weeks of school remaining, I must share that both Mrs. LaFrance (3rd) and Mrs. Bennett (preschool) will be leaving our faculty staff to embark on retirement. Combined, these two women have served children and families through education for almost four decades. Sharon has been an employee of Star for 20 years as well as an alumna– few people can say that. Likewise, Kim has served children, both at Star and in Kitsap County within early childhood education for over 16 years. We sincerely extend our gratitude for their service and pray for their next adventure in life. We will be blessed to still have them as part of our parish community. CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION This upcoming week, our teachers will attend an in-depth professional development on Theology of the Body (TOB). The TOB curriculum will be used in all grades as a supplemental resource to our current religion curriculum by Sophia Press. In an effort to help parents better understand the benefits of TOB, we invite you to join us Friday, June 3rd, at our First Friday Family Faith Formation. WITNESS OF THE WEEK Kelani C and Sean D were nominated by our office staff for demonstrating the virtue of courteousness when they took time to help a younger student who had dropped his belongings. They immediately assisted this student by collecting the items all over the stairs. We are grateful for students who are thoughtful of others throughout the day. Each school year, we follow the Virtues in Practice Program provided by St. Cecilia’s Congregation. As your students know, nine different virtues have been presented and emphasized throughout this school year. Please attempt to discuss and practice the past nine virtues during the summer months as much as possible: Hope, Studiousness, Humility, Patience, Fidelity, Cheerfulness, Temperance, Obedience, and Diligence. WHAT’S NEW! The school’s new app can be accessed on your smartphone by following the below link. Android phone access: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airealmobile.ourladystaroftheseacatho licschool_35398 Apple phone access: https://apps.apple.com/app/olsos-catholic-school/id1621308976 SPORTS CORNER After weeks of consistent training, Star athletes shined at the 2022 Track and Field Meet held at Bremerton High School this past Thursday. We are thankful for the dedicated coaches, Ernie Quebral, Scott Comer, Michelle Judson, and Luke Cichy. Standings for all events have been shared with participating families. Congrats to all! Some of our students even set new school records worth noting: 100m - Boys: Aidan O Girls: Sophia P 800m - Boys: Asher S 1600m - Boys: Aidan O Discus - Boys: George L Discus 1.6kg - Boys: Zachary G Shot put - Boys: Damien K Girls: Sophia P Shot put 8lb. - Boys: Aidan O Long Jump - Girls: Sophia P IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ● Bills for unpaid fees from the 2021/22 school year will be sent Monday - if not paid, outstanding fees will fold into 2022/23 tuition agreement within FACTS ● Please check your student’s backpack for the June calendar and other important flyers that were sent home on Friday. . ● Join us at our First Friday Family Formation, June 3, for a presentation by Lindsay Caron, founder and executive director of the Theology of the Body Parent School. Lindsay equips parents with the knowledge and confidence to collaborate with teachers on instruction of Theology of the Body-our newest support curriculum at Star. See the attached flyer for more information. Please bring something to share at the potluck. ● Beginning May 31st, all students will need to bring a sack lunch from home. ● There will be no bus service on June 9th or 10th ● New this Summer! Join your parish family for Parish Family Hour Wednesday nights beginning at 6pm (see the attached flyer) UPCOMING DATES ● Tuesday, May 31- Yearbook order forms due to the office ● Thursday, June 2- Vianney Cenacle @ 7pm in the Church - prayer for vocations ● Friday, June 3- Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast. RSVP by going to https://forms.gle/uMEDnRqDqwupP1f99 (see attached flyer) ● Friday, June 3- First Friday Family Formation Night (Potluck at 6pm) ● Saturday, June 4- Sports Banquet for all athletes and families (see attached flyer) ● Tuesday, June 7th- Field Day and Ideal Commercial Uniform Sale- NOON DISMISSAL ● June 9 & June 10- No Bus Service ● Wednesday, June 8th- 8th Grade Graduation beginning with Mass at 11am ● Friday, June 10th- Last Day of School and K-7th Moving Up Ceremony @ 11am- NO STAR CARE ● Sunday, June 19th- Corpus Christi Procession ● Friday, June 24- School Office Closed for the Summer SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. This week, we will start our Spring MAP Testing in the following three disciplines: reading, math and language arts. Students will take one growth assessment each morning with Thursday/Friday as additional days for those who were absent or in need of more time to finish. Please ensure that your child receives adequate sleep and good nutrition each morning as always, but especially this week. Also, encourage your child to put forth their best effort so as to truly reflect their academic growth through our new modes of teaching and prior knowledge.
MAY’S GIVE AWAY -WINNER!!! May’s giveaway of a beautiful garden statue of Our Lady was won by the Garcia family. Congratulations! Thanks to all who responded last week by reading the newsletter and submitting, “Ave Maria”. CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION Mrs. Bennett’s preschool 4 class painted red eggs after reading the story of St. Mary Magdalene. The reason for this is stated below: According to tradition, Saint Mary Magdalene, who had patrician rank, gained an audience in Rome with the emperor after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. She denounced Pilate for his handling of Jesus' trial and then began to talk with Caesar about Jesus' resurrection. She picked up a hen's egg from the dinner table to illustrate her point about resurrection. Caesar was unmoved and replied that there was as much chance of a human being returning to life as there was for the egg to turn red. Immediately, the egg miraculously turned red in her hand! It is because of this tradition that Orthodox Christians exchange red eggs at Easter. WITNESS OF THE WEEK Nicholas E (2nd grade) demonstrated May’s virtue of “diligence” when he taught himself to write with his left hand due to a right hand injury. He completed all assignments without any complaining and kept a joyful disposition. Timothy H (1st grade) demonstrated the virtue of “kindness”when he encouraged a classmate to join him at a recess game rather than sit alone. WHAT’S NEW! The school’s new app can be accessed by an Android as well by following the link below: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airealmobile.ourladystaroftheseacatho licschool_35398 Apple phone access: https://apps.apple.com/app/olsos-catholic-school/id1621308976 SPORTS CORNER Track meet is Thursday, May 26, at 3PM @ Bremerton High School Memorial Stadium. Please come out and support our students in grades 4-8. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ● Free dress Tuesday, May 24th, for Eighth Graders who served at hospitality in uniform ● Join us at our First Friday Family Formation, June 3, for a presentation by Lindsay Caron, founder and executive director of the Theology of the Body Parent School. Lindsay equips parents with the knowledge and confidence to collaborate with teachers on instruction of Theology of the Body-our newest support curriculum at Star ● Beginning May 30th, all students will need to bring a sack lunch from home. ● There will be no bus service on June 9th or 10th UPCOMING DATES ● May 23 - May 27 -MAP Testing ● May 23 - May 27- Library books to be returned -fees assigned to those with lost or damaged books ● Thursday May 26- Last day school lunches will be provided ● Friday, June 3- First Friday Family Formation Night (Potluck at 6pm) ● Saturday, June 4- Sports Banquet for all athletes and families (see attached flyer) ● June 6 - June 10- No Bus Service ● Tuesday, June 7th- Field Day- NOON DISMISSAL ● Wednesday, June 8th- 8th Grade Graduation ● Friday, June 10th- Last Day of School/K-7th Moving Up Ceremony @ 11am- NO STAR CARE ● Sunday, June 19th- Corpus Christi Procession SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. It’s official- the S.C.O.P.E. Auction was a wonderful success due to the dedication of several individuals working behind the scenes and through the generosity of so many donors!
As it stands now, we raised $306,000! The total is more than any previous auction. The most exciting news is the Fund-an-Item goal was reached and the plan to replace the flooring on all three levels is now in motion. As many have noted, the physical transformation of our building is apparent. The new flooring ties into our effort to provide a home-like environment which allows for a cozier learning experience. Our entire staff, Fr. Lappe, and the school commission would like to extend our deepest appreciation to Solenne Santiago for once again providing clever and entertaining videos to enhance our auction. MAY’S GIVE AWAY As the month of May is dedicated to Mary, we are giving away a beautiful garden statue of Our Lady. To enter your name, email me “Ave Maria”. May we all grow in greater understanding of Mary’s role in our lives and need to invoke her intercession daily. CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION In Mrs. Kilgallen’s 5th grade science class, a hands-on project involved building rubber band cars. This scientific experiment centered around demonstrating kinetic and potential energy by using plastic cups, straws, and rubberbands. Students were better equipped to understand the concept of storing and releasing energy through visual observation rather than just reading about it. FOOD FOR THOUGHT A recent quote within “The Loop” nicely sums up our reasons to move toward a liberal arts philosophy and is worth sharing: If you remove the bacon, lettuce, and tomato you can’t call it a BLT. Likewise if you remove civics, logic, grammar, rhetoric, penmanship, classical languages, religion, and philosophy, you can’t call it education. But this is exactly what mainstream education has done. -Jeremy Wayne Tate WITNESS OF THE WEEK Within a classical liberal arts philosophy, attention to detail specifically in writing is heavily encouraged across all disciplines. This past week in 5th grade , Gabe M demonstrated our virtue of the month, diligence, as he turned in quality works of writing requiring fine tuning his essays for success. His effort was noted and appreciated by his instructors. WHAT’S NEW! We are excited to share that our school App is now live and available for use. By making access to information readily available and promoting school involvement, we sincerely hope the new App will enhance your parental experience at Star. https://apps.apple.com/app/olsos-catholic-school/id1621308976 SPORTS CORNER Track meet is Thursday, May 26, at 3PM @ Bremerton High School Memorial Stadium. Please come out and support our students in grades 4-8. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ● Join us Friday, June 3, for a presentation by Lindsay Caron, founder and executive director of the Theology of the Body Parent School. Lindsay equips parents with the knowledge and confidence to collaborate with teachers on instruction of Theology of the Body-our newest curriculum at Star ● Please consider attending the Aquinas Classical Academy’s Showcase on Saturday, May 21st ● As the year comes to a close, please remember to enter your volunteer hours in RenWeb, and check to ensure your school fees have been paid. The front office will be assessing fees and emailing those who have not completed their volunteer hours and those with negative account balances. ● The last day school lunches provided by BSD will be Thursday, May 26th. Beginning May 30th, all students will need to bring a sack lunch from home. ● Our lost and found items will be out for display this upcoming week. If your child has misplaced items, please encourage them to come to the office to claim belongings. Items not picked up by Friday, May 20th will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul. UPCOMING DATES ● Friday, May 12-20- Practices for Jungle Book 3:30-7:30pm ● Saturday, May 21- FINAL PERFORMANCE of the Jungle Book in the gym ● Sunday, May 22- 8th grade to host hospitality @ 8 & 11am Masses ● May 23 - May 27 - MAP Testing ● May 23 - May 27- Library books to be returned ● Thursday May 26- Last day school lunches will be provided ● Friday, June 3- First Friday Family Formation Night (Potluck at 6pm) ● Saturday, June 4- Sports Banquet for all athletes and families ● June 6 - June 10- No Bus Service ● Tuesday, June 7th- Field Day- NOON DISMISSAL ● Wednesday, June 8th- 8th Grade Graduation ● Friday, June 10th- Last Day of School and Kindergarten - 7th Grade Moving Up Ceremony @ 11am NO STAR CARE SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. |
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2025