July Newsletter
PRAISE GOD! We are so grateful for the wonderful news of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in June. Thanks to all our students and families who have diligently prayed for this ruling to come into existence. Furthermore, thanks to all our students in grades 5-8 who wore their LIFE Runners t-shirts this past year on the first Wednesday of each month to support a culture of life. DAILY SCHEDULE Please be prepared for a slight alteration to our start and release time. The schedule will likely be changed to best fit our current academic goals. Please note that Fridays will be a full day this upcoming year. NEW BUS STOP We are pleased to announce that both our buses will be running this upcoming year. Two buses allow for all students to be on the bus less each day. The south bound bus will now include a pickup/drop off service at the Mullenix Park & Ride. Additionally, the north bound bus in Poulsbo will also have a new pick-up/drop off location at the North Viking Park & Ride. Times and exact location within each lot will be announced in August. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Just a reminder all school supplies have been purchased for your student. A $75 supply fee per student has been placed in your FACTS account to accommodate this service. The only two items that we are asking families to provide are as follows: Grades 6-8 only - Trapper Binders Grades K-8 - Water Bottles (please no metal bottles) OVERSTOCK OF DONATED UNIFORMS Due to an abundance of donated uniforms in good condition, we would like to offer a uniform“giveway”. Please stop by the gym on Sunday July 17th & 24th after the 8am or 11am Mass to peruse our items. NEW BABIES Congratulations to the Tesfaslasie, Frisch, and Charboneau families for their newest additions. ATHLETIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS During the USA Wrestling Kids Nationals in Utah, two of our Star families did exceptionally well. Congrats!
PARISH FAMILY HOUR (every Wednesday) Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30pm Potluck included w/activities for children/formation for adults VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AUGUST 8-12 9am-Noon. For children grades 1-6 Register before July 17 at www.starofthesea.net FRATERNUS EXCURSION JULY 24-29 Near Three Forks, MT For men grades 6-12. Drivers/adult chaperones needed! Register at youth.starofthesea.net/fraternus--fidelis |
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2025