Our long-time tradition of celebrating Catholic Schools Week with daily planned events makes for a
memorable week for both students and staff. Among the many events, students are given two opportunities for service within our own community. While Grades K-2 will be making colorful placemats for Mary’s Place guests, grades 3-4 will make cards for local nursing home residents. Furthermore, due to a generous donor, middle schoolers will be putting essential items in draw string bags for all guests at Mary’s Place to receive upon arrival. During these cold months, these items should be needed and appreciated. In addition, we will hold our annual, “Fill the Bus” food drive all week long as we aim to re-stock the shelves at St. Vincent de Paul. Please join us as classes compete to bring in the most items (see attached flyer). Many of our 7th and 8th graders preparing to receive the sacrament of confirmation are on retreat this weekend. Please join our staff in praying for these young individuals to be open to the Holy Spirit now and on their special upcoming day this February 20th. CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION Sr. Maria Caeli’s 6th grade history class performed skits based on their favorite stories from Greek mythology. In 8th grade history, discussion was held on Shay’s Rebellion and the pros/cons of small, centralized government. WITNESSES OF THE WEEK I’d like to nominate our speakers at the Masses this weekend for demonstrating their fidelity to our school by articulating their thoughts about our new classical curriculum and other insights of their school experience. Marleigh O, Gwyn R, Molly S, Joslyn T IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS
UPCOMING DATES Sun., Jan. 30 – CSW Breakfast @ 8 &11:00 Masses – STUDENTS ENCOURAGED TO BE IN UNIFORM Mon., Jan. 31- BB Practice St. JPII Tues., Feb. 1- BB Practice St. Patrick Wed., Feb. 2- BB Game St. JPII vs. St. Dominic Thurs., Feb. 3- BB Practice St. Dominic Thurs., Feb. 3- Vianney Cenacle @ 7-8 PM (praying for vocations) Fri., Feb. 4- FIRST FRIDAY FAITH FORMATION in Camerman Hall @ 6-8 SPORTS RESULTS Game: (5/6th Graders) St. Patrick defeated St. JPII 14-12 Game: (7/8th Graders) St. Patrick defeated St. JPII 14-4 SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. Comments are closed.
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2025