As we are now a couple of weeks into the New Year, I was reminded of the importance to stop and set 2022 yearly goals as a spouse, parent, daughter, employee, co-worker and above all a “child of God”. I found this personal reflection below as a practical way to check or gage one’s current state of holiness, and ultimately maximize one’s upcoming new year as a Christian.
Do I… Allow Jesus to be the most transformative person in my life? Invest quality time to personal prayer? Actively engage in the Church’s liturgical life. Have Christ-centered friendships that promote virtue and holiness? CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION In Mrs. LaFrance ‘s Third Grade class, students enhance their writing skills daily as they work in the schoolwide program, Institute for Excellence in Writing. Students focus on writing key word outlines, paragraph writing, drafting, revising and retelling. IEW over the last three years has heavily impacted our students’ language arts capabilities by additionally improving sentence structure and increased vocabulary. WITNESSES OF THE WEEK Matthew Roscoe demonstrated the virtue of the month by showing “fidelity” to Church teachings by seeking the truths of the sacraments and upholding the importance of them within the classroom. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS
SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. Comments are closed.
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2025