Offering students a chance to explore the performing arts has been an additional goal for us this year. As many already know, theater allows students to explore classical characters and storylines with the aim of bringing them to life on stage. Students come to see literature, not just as words on a page, but living characters. As actors, students are challenged to step out of their comfort zones and into the shoes of another. Thus, they learn the concepts of stage presence, physical movement, voice control, character development, rehearsal techniques (including improvisation), self-discipline, teamwork/collaboration and have the opportunity to build t heir confidence.
We are pleased to offer our students in grades 4-8 the opportunity to partake in an eight day theatrical performance starting on Thursday, May 12. Students will audition, be assigned roles, practice daily and conclude with an afternoon show on Saturday, May 21st. This year’s production is being provided by a local Catholic company whose selected performance coincides with our 5th grade’s literature study of The Jungle Book. Please encourage your child to participate as I believe they will benefit immensely from this experience (see attached flyer). CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION In preparation for First Communion, the second-grade studied the positive and negative space in Eucharistic art. The children discovered that they could create a chalice using their profile. The students cut out their profiles revealing a chalice. When placed on a black background, the students saw themselves in the negative space looking at the chalice on both sides. They completed their projects with a reflection on adoring the Lord in the Holy Eucharist. UPCOMING CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION TO VIEW Please join our first annual Recitation Afternoon this Thursday, May5th @ 2:00 pm in Camerman Hall. Grades K-8 will demonstrate their recitation skills by presenting several pieces of work whether it be poetry, historical documents or song. We are excited for our students to have a forum to display the fruits of their hard work and commitment to their current studies in Literature, Religion, History and Latin (see attached flyer). WHAT’S NEW! We are excited to share that our school App is now live and available for use. By making access to information readily available and promoting school involvement, we sincerely hope the new App will enhance your parental experience at Star. SUGGESTED PARENT INVOLVEMENT As a staff, we have rediscovered the importance of poetry in the development of a child’s intellect. However, poetry not only piques the interest of children, but can provide hours of enjoyment for adults of all ages. If it has crossed your mind to start reading poetry, but you need a little encouragement to begin, the following article is for you: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ● Congrats to all who participated in our Spelling Bee this past Thursday. Our winner was Jacobe L from 7th grade. Job well done!!! ● If you are a 7th grade parent interested in planning the 8th grade graduation reception, please contact Emily Shurtz (7th Class Parent) or Ruth Rivaldi (Parents’ Club Pres.) ● Please consider attending the Aquinas Classical Academy’s Showcase on Sat., May 21st (see attached flyer) SCOPE NEWS As a reminder our annual SCOPE auction is taking place this Friday, May 6th at the Kitsap Golf and Country Club! ● VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for set up, breakdown and greeters w/triple volunteer hours to be earned- please go online to sign up or fill out a form sent home & return ● If you are in need of Childcare for the May 6th SCOPE Auction, please call the school office to sign up (5 and up) ● Wall of Wine reminder- We are still in need of bottles of wine for our Wall of Wine. Bottles donated that are a value of $30 or more will earn families 1 service hour! UPCOMING DATES ● Sat-Sun., April 30th-May 1st- First Communion Masses ● Tuesday, May 3rd- CLT8 Testing for 8th graders (morning) ● Tuesday, May 3rd & 5th - Track Practice from 3:35-5:00 ● Wednesday, May 4th- LIFE Runners T-shirt for middle schoolers ● Thursday, May 5th- Recitation Afternoon @ 2pm in Camerman Hall w/reception ● Friday, May 6th- 8th Grade May Crowning Ceremony @ 9am Mass ● Friday, May 6th- SCOPE Auction ● Thursday, May 12- Try-outs for Jungle Book Production @ 3:30 in gym ● Friday, May 13-20- Practices for Jungle Book 3:30-7:30pm ● Friday, May 13th- 5th Grade @ Quarters ● Sunday, May 15- 8th grade to host hospitality @ 8 & 11am Masses ● Mon-Fri., May-23 MAP Testing starts SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. Comments are closed.
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2024