As the Easter break has allowed many of us to re-energize in order to push through the next
seven weeks of school, I sincerely ask families to support our upcoming auction just two weeks away. As most know, we depend heavily on our auction as our main fundraiser rather than doing multiple smaller scaled ones throughout the year. Please consider attending this year’s in-person auction and buying your tickets as soon as possible. Your participation promotes our school's newly acquired mission towards a classical liberal education. This philosophy of education not only develops and increases a child’s intellect, moral, and physical capacity, but also encourages families toward a greater communal bond to ultimately transform the current culture. We desire our families to build strong, lasting relationships for years to come. So please join in the excitement, meet new families, invite friends and family, and relish in Catholic fellowship!!! CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION IN ACTION In 5th grade literature, students participated in several lessons revolving around a variety of classical short stories. The purpose of such stories and within any good piece of literature is to seek answers to some basic human questions. Students have learned how to question a story and be questioned by it. Some of the recent short stories read and discussed were “The Hungry Coat” by Demi,“Zlateh the Goat” by Singer, and “The Fun They Had” by Asimov. This week they will start the novel The Good Master by Seredy and will reflect and memorize the poem “In Flanders Field'' by McCrae. The insightfulness demonstrated by these 5th graders is admirable. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ● AUCTION, AUCTION AUCTION!! ● Please join the parish in celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday (4.24.22) to pray the chaplet @ 3:00 ● Our Annual Spelling Bee has returned for students in grades 4-8 to demonstrate their commitment to accuracy in spelling and memorization so join us Fri., April 29th @ 11am ● Information & flyers regarding our week long theatrical performance put on French Toast Productions of The Jungle Book for grades 4-8 will start on Thursday, May 12th with auditions at 3:30 ● Join us for our first annual Recitation Afternoon for an opportunity to listen to each grade recite their favorite pieces of work studied throughout this year on May 5 @ 2 pm in Camerman Hall ● Our Scrip Coordinator is looking for volunteers to sell Scrip after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays- as the weather improves we hope to move sales outside ● If you are a 7th grade parent interested in planning the 8th grade graduation reception, please contact Emily Shurtz (7th Class Parent) or Ruth Rivaldi (Parents’ Club Pres.) ● Please consider attending the Aquinas Classical Academy’s Showcase on Sat., May 21st. -more information to come SCOPE NEWS As a reminder our annual SCOPE auction is taking place Friday, May 6th at the Kitsap Golf and Country Club! ● VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for set up, breakdown and greeters w/triple volunteer hours to be earned- please go online to sign up or fill out a form sent home & return ● SCOPE Auction Tickets are ON SALE NOW! Purchase tickets at or after Sunday Masses ● If you are in need of Childcare for the May 6th SCOPE Auction, please call the school office to sign up (5 and up) ● Wall of Wine reminder- We are still in need of bottles of wine for our Wall of Wine. Bottles donated that are a value of $30 or more will earn families 1 service hour! UPCOMING DATES ● Monday, April 25th- SCHOOL RESUMES ● Thursday, April 28th- 3rd grade @ Quarters Arcade ● Friday, April 29th- Spelling Bee Gr. 4-8 @11:00 in the gym ● Mon-Fri., April 25th-29th ACRE Tests for 5th and 8th only ● Tuesday, April 26th- Track and Field practice for students in 4th-8th grade @ field ● Sat-Sun., April 30th-May 1st- First Communion Masses ● Tuesday, May 3rd- CLT8 Testing for 8th graders (morning) ● Wednesday, May 4th- LIFE Runners T-shirt for middle schoolers ● Thursday, May 5th- Recitation Afternoon @ 2pm in Camerman Hall ● Friday, May 6th- 8th Grade May Crowning Ceremony @ 9am Mass ● Friday, May 6th- SCOPE Auction ● Thursday, May 12- Try-outs for Jungle Book Production @ 3:30 in gym ● Friday, May 13th- 5th Grade @ Quarters ● Sunday, May 15- 8th grade to host Hospitality @ 8 & 11am Masses ATHLETICS NEWS Track and Field will begin Tuesday, April 26th for students in 4th-8th grade ● If you are interested in coaching please contact Ernie - [email protected] ● Practice takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:35pm-5:00pm at Kiwanis Park ● This year’s Track Meet will take place on Thursday, May 26th at Bremerton Memorial Stadium at 3:30pm ● Students can sign up at hƩps:// ● $25 Athletic fee will be billed through FACTS SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Under the patronage of our Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Our classical training nourishes the students’ natural sense of wonder and guides them to know and love what is genuinely good, true, and beautiful. Faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, we form our students to be virtuous disciples of Jesus Christ and joyful witnesses to the Gospel. Comments are closed.
AuthorSchool Principal, Mrs. Tina Powell Archives
January 2025