3rd Grade - Mrs. Sharon LaFrance
Teaching at Our Lady Star of the Sea since 2004.
About Mrs. LaFrance: Mrs. LaFrance has been part of our Star of the Sea team since 2003. She began as office manager and soon showed her gift of multi-tasking and making all who entered the school feel welcomed. In 2004, she was asked to fill in for a music teacher who transferred early with her family to a new duty station and in 2006 became the music specialist for K-8, including choir, recorders, and band. Fulfilling her dream to return to college, she began full-time night classes, graduated with a B.A. in Education with a Special Education major, and was hired as our second grade teacher. As an alumnus of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School, she is thrilled to be involved in the sacramental preparation of the students in her charge. |